Three Phase Electric

Electric Motor Chiaravalli Three-phase 380v Cht 90 S4 B3 Kw. 1,1 Ie2

Electric Motor Chiaravalli Three-phase 380v Cht 90 S4 B3 Kw. 1,1 Ie2

Electric Motor Chiaravalli Three-phase 380v Cht 90 S4 B3 Kw. 1,1 Ie2

Fioretti, 8 - 83100 - Avellino (AV). Operational headquarters: We are about to inaugurate the headquarters in via Pianodardine in Atripalda (AV). CHT 90 S4 B3 KW.

Electric Motor Chiaravalli Three-phase 380v Cht 90 S4 B3 Kw. 1,1 Ie2